Gateway 2000 Speech at World of Amiga

Subject:  Gateway 2000 speech transcript
From: (Jeroen T. Vermeulen)
Date: 7-23-97
Newsgroup: comp.sys.amiga.misc

For some reason, a lot of what was said by Gateway's Jim Taylor at the WOA still
hasn't  made it to all those who are interested.  A real pity, since it explains
and answers a lot that is being discussed here by the usual pessimists.

One  of  the  most  notable items is the fact that Gateway themselves had little
notion of what was going on with the Amiga before they bought it, but it was the
enthusiastic  user  community (and other assorted miracles) that made them think

All  this  can be heard on the MPEG audio samples published on Amiga Computing's
Web   site   (,   look  under  Stuff).   However,
downloading  them  takes ages and playing them eats a lot of CPU cycles.  So for
those  of you who didn't get to hear the samples, here's a transcript of what is
said in them.

DISCLAIMER  - I don't speak for anyone.  This transcript is not official, it has
not  been  acknowledged or endorsed (or even read AFAIK) by any of the speakers,
and  punctuation  is  my  own.   Transcribing speeches necessarily involves some
guesswork,  so  it's  likely that the text will deviate in some points from what
was really said.  Typos are also unavoidable since I mostly wrote this at night.
Since  the  samples  don't always overlap, I also have no way of knowing whether
anything else was said inbetween samples.

Don't use for medical purposes or on live animals.  Do not inhale.  Ingest after
reading.  Good luck, 007.

Whatever  the weaknesses in my own transcription may be, I think that posting it
would  do  more  good at this point than keeping it to myself.  I've tried to be
conservative  in my guesses, so some text is marked as doubtful [word ?], either
inserted  or deleted [word], annotated <like this, ed.;, or added to describe
other sounds <mumbles:  yeah right;.  Where speakers correct themselves, I've
not  transcribed  the  mistake  and  correction  literally  but incorporated the
correction in the original sentence directly.


Dr. James Taylor, Senior VP Global Marketing Gateway 2000 Incorporated:

Hello Amiga people!

crowd: hello etc.

In my country when you say hello they say "Hi Jim!"

crowd: Hi Jim!


I  really  am  pleased  to  be  here today, er, as you all know Gateway 2000 has
agreed  and has completed the transaction to acquire Amiga and it is a wonderful
opportunity  for  Gateway  2000 and we hope that for the world of Amiga it turns
out  to  be  just  as rewarding.  I would like to say on rumours of this meeting
today, the US share price of Gateway 2000 rose 7.50 dollars yesterday so...

I  felt what I'd do though is spend a few minutes talking about Gateway, because
I  think that we can all become friends going forward and I think it's important
for  you  to  understand  who  we  are  as  a  company,  and hopefully gain some
confidence  in  the  kind  of  organization that Petro and the Amiga people have
chosen  to  associate  themselves  with,  because  in some ways we are as deeply
embedded  in the culture of computing as Amiga and its predecessors in Commodore
all  the  way  back  into  the seventies when these ideas were being founded and
being built with little cassette tapes on desktops all over the world.

Gateway  was founded by a man named Ted Waitt, his partner Mike Hammond, and his
brother  in 1985 in the American city of Sioux City, Iowa.  Sioux City is a city
of  about  100,000  people,  and  at the time was the last vestment of the great
American  cattle  industry.  It was a deteriorating place of stockyards, you may
remember those of you at least my age, the characterization of American industry
in  the  late  seventies  and the early eighties as being in the tank, unable to
compete,  and  filled  with what they called "rust balls".  Well, Sioux City was
certainly   one  of  the  capitals  of  the  rust  ball.   Ted  borrowed  10,000
dollars--actually  the  truth is he borrowed 15,000 dollars from his grandmother
in order to borrow 10,000 dollars from a bank; his grandmother put up a [time ?]
15,000  [cd  ?]  to  guarantee  a  10,000  dollar  loan--and  went into business
supporting Texas Instruments' efforts to distribute PCs in the midwest.

Very  shortly  thereafter  Texas Instruments decided to exit the PC business and
Ted  was offered an opportunity to convert a lot of Texas Instruments warranties
to  cash,  and  he  used  that  money  to  buy  some  chips  from a weak US chip
manufacturer  called  Intel that was launching a new product called the 386, and
assembled   those   computers   in   the  early  days--Ted,  Mike,  his  sister,
everybody--by hand, and offered them for sale through magazines.

I will tell you something; that according to the historical research we've done,
in  that year there were 700 direct-mail PC companies in the United States.  All
the value (with the exception of this one out of Austin, like, I can never think
of  the one out of Austin, it is er...  Dulk, Dul, Del -- Dell company), all the
value of all the other companies put together does not equal our revenues in the
1996 fiscal year.

Because  Ted  did something from the very beginning that was a revolution in the
PC  business:   He  built a product from the customer in, rather [than] from the
technology out.  And from the very beginning we were founded on the idea that we
wanted to be the leading marketer of personal computer products in the world.  I
mean, you can't imagine what it'd be like to be [in] a little John in the middle
of nowhere and say, and Ted'd have a ponytail, he was 23, and he says "I'm going
to be the leading manufacturer of personal computer products in the world".  And
this would be the sort of a laughable statement I would get if I was to say "I'm
going to Hollywood and become a star".

It wasn't likely--and yet we believe it's actually taking place.

It's  happening because of what we think about ourselves as an organization, how
we  run  the  business.   We  are  perhaps the flattest large corporation in the
world.   There's  about  10,000 people in the world of Gateway today and there's
one chairman, Ted, there's a president, Rick Snyder, there's about 7 senior vice
presidents,  there's  a  dozen  or so vice presidents and then there's everybody
else.   We run the business in such a way that everybody sharing a common set of
values about the relationship we want to have with the customers and each other,
prohibits  the  need, or limits the need, for a lot of supervisors, for a lot of
people  running  around  telling  other  people  what to do.  And as a result we
remain  very  flat  relative  to our market size, and as a result we remain very
profitable,  and  we remain able to move, in an organization as large as we are,
against  the speed of technology.  When P2 <Intel's Pentium II processor, ed;
was  launched  on  tuesday  of  last  week,  by  the  time  Intel  finished  the
announcement we'd sold 1300 systems.

When  MMX  went  on  sale  in  January  with  a  9  o'clock  press conference in
[telannounce  ?],  we announced at 10 o'clock that we were shipping MMX.  We are
able  to  respond  very  very  quickly to emerging market expectations, emerging
technology,  emerging  human  resources  expectation, and emerging opportunities
like   the   opportunity  represented  by  the  <searches  for  words;  Amiga
opportunity.   We  believe  in  respect,  caring, teamwork; we believe in common
sense,  we  believe  in  aggressiveness, we believe in honesty and we believe in
efficiency, and we believe in having fun.

I've  noticed that at least on the last count, we share something with the Amiga
world right out of the box.  This is a technology that is about not just working
with computers but having fun with computers, making computers make a difference
in  people's  lives.   Our  marketing  position--we used to pray silicon prayers
describing   ourselves,  because  what  we're  interested  in  doing  is  making
technologies   more  accessible  to  the  ordinary  needs  of  ordinary  people.
Sometimes   I  like  to  say  that  what  our  business  really  is,  is  taking
extraordinary  technologies  and  making  them  do very ordinary things, so that
people can do more and more, and more better things with their lives.

Our  mission  as  a  company  is to profitably grow our business faster than our
competition by better understanding and serving the desires of our customers and
marketing  high-value  products  directly  to  our  customers.   And there is no
company  in  the  world  that  fits  this  mission better than Amiga.  And quite
frankly there is no company in the world that we are more happy to partner with,
and  to  become  next  to,  than  Amiga.   We are, as you may be aware, a global
company  now.   We  have  manufacturing  in  the  US in Sioux City; Sioux Falls;
Hampton,  Virginia,  we  have a large marketing center in Kansas City, we have a
manufacturing  facility  (a  very  large manufacturing facility) in Ireland.  We
have manufacturing now in Malacca, Malaysia.  We have a very large operation now
in  Tokyo,  in  fact  [Asai  Shibbo?] recently wrote that Gateway is the fastest
corporate  startup  in  the  history of Japan.  We grew 389% our first year, and
from  zero grossed 250 million dollars.  In fact, last week on the launch of P2,
I  think  our  Japanese  people  were  ecstatic:   Sales in Japan on May the 8th
exceeded the sales of Gateway throughout all of Europe.

We  are  a desktop and portable manufacturer.  We [are] probably now lead the US
in  terms  of  desktop  sales to various kinds of categories in the home market.
Nielsen  and IEC just announced that we are now the #1 brand in the US for brand
loyalty  (we just passed Apple), and we [have ?] now go back in the top [tier in
?] service and delivery.

We  are also an innovator.  We invented and launched the PCTV last year with our
Destination  line.  This is a product that puts the tuner on the motherboard and
converts  very  large  VTAs  into functional televisions while retaining all the
capacities  of  computing.   We  are  the  time-to-market  value  leader  in new
technologies as well as product innovations that serve the customer's needs.  We
currently  have  just under 8% of the US desktop market, five billion dollars in
revenue  last year, 1.9 million units last year, a 43% increase on year-on-year,
and I just saw the numbers for the first quarter 19--[]

going on to next sample

[]--We  grew  in  the home market 55% and in the corporate and enterprise market
26%.  Our profits last year were 251 million dollars (that's rounded), we have a
little  over  500  million dollars in the bank, and we have a total last year of
about 800 million dollars in non-US sales and we expect to exceed that number by
a very large percentage this year.

It  wasn't hard for us to decide to talk to Amiga, and talk about Amiga, because
one  of  the bedrocks of the Gateway customer relationship has always been being
next  to the people who are the most enthusiastic users in the world.  Gateway's
marketing  strategy--and  I  can  speak to this with some knowledge, I will have
difficulty answering technology questions but I do understand what our consumers
are  looking for--is the first [] of a country we enter into, to be what we call
the  enthusiasts:   People  who  are given to using computers as a part of their
life  on a daily basis.  People for whom being involved in the computer world is
a  part  of  their self-esteem.  People for whom computers have become a natural
part of what it means to be alive today.

Once  we  have  established ourselves in responding to a country's needs in that
category  we  then  begin  to  look at opportunities in the generalized consumer
market  or  the  enterprise  market,  the  corporate  market,  the institutional
markets.   But  the cornerstone of the company has always been, and will remain,
relationships  with  enthusiasts.  And another point of similarity is--and I can
tell you we've gotten thousands of letters now, thousands of letters, from Amiga
enthusiasts that run the gamma from "Oh boy, are we glad you guys got it" to "Oh
boy, you screwed us up, I will kill you".


[]! I wanna know who wrote that []!

more laughter

Now  we've completed the transaction through the German bankruptcy court; it has
now  been  approved by the German regulatory council.  We are not disclosing the
terms  of  the  transaction but I would like you to know that the transaction is
completed.   The  parent  corporate  name  of Amiga will be Amiga International,
which  we enlisted as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gateway.  It will continue to
run  as  an  autonomous company providing services, products, and development to
the Amiga community.  We acquired all the aspects of Amiga and that included the
inventory,  the  trademarks,  the  operating  system,  the hardware designs, the
intellectual  property.  But what we really acquired, what we found we acquired,
I think what we were surprised we acquired, was the World of Amiga.

And  I  spent of a lot of time studying this, so I want to take a minute just to
say  something.   It is clear that without you people, we would have had nothing
to acquire.  So the first obligation of Gateway 2000 is to say thank you.  It is
the  Amiga  community that has kept this brand and this OS and this product line
and  this  concept  alive  without  the  support  of  strong corporate financial
backing,  without  the support of a wild and competitive advertising scheme, and
without a lot of things.  It is the belief in the OS and the belief in the value
of  these  products  in the world of computing that has kept this product alive.
So  Gateway  2000  would  like to say:  Thank you guys very much because without
you, there'd be no Amiga.

Before  I  turn  it over to Petro I'ld like to introduce my two colleagues here.
They'll  be  here all the next couple of days.  They'll be happy to talk to you.
Steve  Johns is our head of corporate development.  Stand up Steve, so I can see

STEVE:   I'm  going to receive all the thousands and thousands of letters, so if
there's any [] you know I'm working on it;

Jim laughs, then resumes:

And  Steve  Braddocks,  who is also part of the corporate development department
and  has  been  the  lead  guy in handling the details of the acquisition, so on
behalf  of  Gateway  2000 again thank you very much, it's a pleasure to be here,
and it's a special pleasure to introduce my new friend Petro.

Petro: Thank you, Jim

Petro Tyschtschenko, CEO of Amiga International:

joking  to Jim, barely audible:; [...  I?] know already our new goals for Amiga,
all the figures that you presented, and our next goal.

Jim laughs, says something like "kept [?]";

Ladies  and Gentlemen, distinguished guests:  I'm looking around here, and I see
a  lot  of people which I know.  People who have long experience with the Amiga,
and  people which supported Amiga and supported today as well.  It is nice to me
to  see  that  the  Amiga platform is gifted by a community of competent people.
These  strengths  are  going to be of critical importance for the success of the
plans of Amiga International, which I am going to explain [to] you later.

Anyway,  I'm very happy to see you and I would like to welcome you to this press
event.   I  believe  there  is a bright future for Amiga International, a bright
future  for  all  of us.  Let me explain a few details of importance so that you
can  have  a  better  understanding  of what has happened to Amiga since the old
Commodore  days.   Escom  acquired  Amiga  in  april 1995.  During this time, an
effort  was  made  to  revitalize  the  Amiga  market.  However, Escom went into
financial difficulties and filed for bankruptcy on [the] 15th of July, 1996.

During  this time, an effort was made to develop products.  But due to financial
difficulties,  there  has  not  been  any  signific[ant]  amount  of new product
development  by  Amiga over the past couple of years.  [Those] are facts.  Since
filing  for bankruptcy we have been trying to keep the marketplace alive through
inventory  sales  by  the Trust.  However, it has truly been the Amiga community
that  has  kept  Amiga  alive through the development of products based on newer
technology and software applications development.

Now that Amiga is owned by a successful company, Gateway 2000, there is a bright
future.   Gateway  2000,  we  just  learned  (and  we  know),  is  a  solid  and
well-established  in  the computer industry.  Gateway 2000 has consistently been
honoured with awards for products and service.  Gateway 2000 is a bright partner
to  give  Amiga  new  life  and  energy for the future.  Amiga International was
formed  as  a  US-based  company  in  March  1997 to acquire the assets of Amiga
Technology GmbH.  Amiga International will operate, as Jim already mentioned, as
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gateway 2000.

Over  the  past  months  we  have  been  very  busy  finalizing  the  exhibition
[/acquisition?]  together  with  Steve,  and  Keith,  performing  due diligence,
setting  up  operations  in  Germany  and  communicating  with  you,  ladies and
gentlemen,  the  Amiga  community.   We have a new office in Langen, next to the
Frankfurt airport, and I'm happy to report to you that we are operational again.
In   Langen  we  have  three  people  handling  sales,  marketing,  and  general
administration.  We will be running in the beginning of June.  Since early April
we  have  four  employees  in Braunschweig that are taking care of logistics and
warehousing, order processing, and customer support, and, you maybe noticed this
already,  Internet  support  as well; and technical service.  Finally, we are in
the  process  [of]  identifying an individual to manage new product development,
which is so important, and R&D.

What are we going to concentrate on?  We have to implement our strategy.  First,
supporting  the existing Amiga community.  Second, leveraging the existing Amiga
technology through broad licensing.  Third, assisting in developing new products
based on open standards to the home computer and video graphic market.

Ladies  and  gentlemen,  how  will we support the community, that has kept Amiga
alive?   Through  conventions, press conferences, via the Internet, meetings and
all  useful  initiatives  coming  from the Amiga community (I've already been to
conventions  in  Germany  and  in  Sweden,  and will entertain any suggestions);
continuing,  of  course,  to  sell  [through  the distributor?] network which is
existing  and  which  has  supported the Amiga; working together with developers
through  concepts  such  as the Open Amiga Initiative, that is being formed with
the support of many [of] prominent names in the Amiga community.

The  basic  of  success in this project is to work together with partners and to
define  a  common  path of development.  The Amiga market cannot afford a split,
ladies and gentlemen.  We must go together in one direction.  For us to keep the
market  alive  is  necessary  to  assist  many  companies in developing products
through  broad  licensing.   Our  licensing policy will be very open, broad, and
focused on licensing the standard OS, chipset, and trademarks.

Also,  licensing  will  alllow the Amiga to be spread to many different embedded
applications  and  fields  such  as  medical  solutions,  military applications,
fitness  equipment,  irrigation  systems, and kiosk terminals.  Of course we are
looking  for  new  partners  through  licensing and focused R&D managed by Amiga
International.  We plan to assist the marketplace in developing new products for
the  Amiga.   We  are currently exploring many of the possible new products that
have  been  suggested  including such things as operating system upgrade and new
hardware platform.  We would like to keep the procedure, not complicated, but as
simple as possible.  Simple as myself.

We  need  to talk with technology companies from the Amiga business and exchange
knowhow.   Very  important.   It is also important that we explore an open Amiga
platform, use industry standard components to make it cheaper to produce, faster
to develop, and easier to operate.

These  things,  ladies and gentlemen, need to happen very quickly--but in a very
managed  fashion.  With this strategy and the support of the Amiga community and
Gateway 2000, we are convinced there is a bright future for the Amiga.

That,  ladies  and  gentlemen, concludes our presentation for today.  Jim Taylor
and  myself  are  now ready for questions and answers, and we hope that tomorrow
you will all enjoy the fair and visit our booth.  Thank you very much.

Q1:   []  We  appreciate Gateway buying us, very much so, but we kind of wonder,
what  does  Gateway  get  out  of  this?   What  did  you achieve by buying this
[elaborate?] kind of [electric?] gizmo?

Jim:   We believe that Amiga can be one of the most important computer companies
in the world, to the extent that if it succeeds, we succeed.  I mean, this is an
important investment for us from the point of view of the future of Gateway.  We
believe  that this is a very, very important market.  We believe in a multimedia
computing  future.   We  believe  that  we  are very close to the day when every
household  will  be its own broadcast center, its own Internet site, its own Web
site,  its  own  communicating  entity;  and  certainly  Amiga represents a very
important technology in that venue.

Q2:   So,  were  you  trying  to  diversify  Gateway's  holdings,  er, Gateway's

Jim:   Gateway  would  avoid  the  use  of  words  that  would  cause  us  to be
characterized  the  ways  that  other  corporations are characterized.  We don't
speak of ourselves as being "diverse".  We speak of ourselves as being a company
that  is  so  close  to the customer that we know what they want, and we know an
awful lot of customers want Amiga.

Q3:   Do  you  guys  intend  to  benefit from the acquisition of this technology
beyond simply the [acquisition?] of Amiga Technologies?

Jim:   I  would be a fool to say no.  I can't believe that we won't benefit from
this  technology.   How we will benefit still remains to be seen, it's not clear
to  us  how  that  will  work out--but, I mean, you guys know, this is some good
stuff!  So we...

Q4:   So  you  think  there's  any possibility of Gateway products in the future
benefiting from the technology you bought [through?] using parts of it?

Jim:  Like I said, I can't imagine that we won't benefit from the technology.

[We  guess?] it's very important for the Amiga community to recognize something,
and  I'll  say  it  one  more  time because, those of you in the press:  I would
really  like  the word to get out.  We...  Petro has the opportunity to sit down
and take a hard look at what it takes to make Amiga "go" in the real world.  And
we  need to give him the room to do that.  Gateway is prepared to be patient and
let  the  company  develop.   As  I  said,  we've  owned it for (what?  a little
over...)  a  month  or, a couple of days...  <interjected suggestions; Ninety
seconds...   Twenty  minutes,  whatever.  And we are here communicating with the
Amiga community at the very first possible venue to do so, but we want you to be
patient  with  Petro  because  the  answer to these questions lies more with the
Amiga  people  than  it lies with the Gateway people, and I think that's a thing
you've  got  to  understand.   We believe in Amiga.  We believe in Gateway.  But
Amiga is Petro's destiny, [and] we're here to help.

Now  I  know  everybody in the room has heard about [] corporate [] help, but we
hope that we are benign in our processes.

Q5:   [] Amiga [] in Brussel <Flemish name of Brussels, ed;.  Petro, you said
that  Amiga  could  not  afford  to  go  in more than one direction, I mean on a
hardware  point  of view.  [] But [] Phase 5 has already announced that they are
launching  next  month  their  PowerPC  product.   PIOS  has a working prototype
(without  software  for  the  moment).   There  are already quite some products.
MacroSystem  has  a  DraCo  running for quite a time now.  What are you going to
choose?  Is it Phase 5 is going to be the standard or...

Petro:   Both  we'll  choose!  Because the one direction we would like to go, is
our  operating  system.   This  is  the  line,  this is the streamline.  We will
license  them whatever they need, because there is a brilliant technology there,
what  they  develop.   Phase  5 is great.  I visited them 3 weeks ago, Wolfgang,
Gehr[],  so  we  had a perfect meeting and we know exactly in which direction we
go.   This is one direction.  What I don't like to have is that we have a war in
our  community.   Everybody's  going  in another direction, and doing his own...
cooks  his own cup of tea or whatever.  But there is only one Amiga.  And we are
the  roof,  and you can develop, and we will support it, and we will license it.
Whatever you need--but under one roof, in one direction.

Q5:   ...And  always  keep  a  very  consistent  compatibility,  [] applications

Petro:   Yes, we will maintenance our operating system.  We have a lot of things
to  do  of  course.   We know this, right.  We have to put out the dust a little
bit, right, so we know this.  We will do this, and we will license this.

Q5:  ...There are things--I'm sorry, one more question,

Petro:  One more, er...

Q5:   There is something that has always amazed me, is to know why do we have so
much..  Why are we so arrayed on the PowerPC platform, because there are already
quite a few...

;petro laughs;

Q5:   ...No,  no no, let me...  There are already quite a few 68000 emulator box
running, the ones from Apple, from other competitors, and it is not so difficult
to  cross-compile,  as  we  have  seen in the PowerPC MacIntosh during the first

Petro:  joking, Yeah, but please don't forget--two bankruptcies!

Q5:  Yeah, I know, I know, I know.

Petro:   plaintive  I'm  getting  crazy!   They said I'm already [doing up?] the
third one!

Q5:  laughs I just cross my fingers you never go to the third one!


Jim:   He  sent  me  an  Amiga...  I got a guy in my office who's from Corporate
Design.  He stole my Amiga.

laughter, interjection (Petro?):  I'll send you another one;

So, I guess it's No.

Q5:   How do you know that this platform is so fantastic if you never had one of

Jim:   I'll  tell you what happened.  It was kind of interesting.  I went out to
Wired  Magazine to see Lou [Zeno?], who is both an important publisher in our...
Well  he's  a  friend of mine.  And in the last year, Wired had become a Gateway
shop.  And Zeno took me to the back room where they're doing the development for
HotWired,  and  it  was  all Amiga.  And he said he wanted me to know that since
he'd  heard  a  rumour  we  were  in the process of acquiring Amiga, that we had
bought  the finest multimedia platform for the development of the Web long-term,
and  that his black box, er, I've forgotten the word for it, but his people were
great Amiga lovers, and I asked the people and they said so, and then I wandered
around  the  [Southland?]  market  Web  site  manufacturing  area  with a lot of
consultancies in the US and Amiga is one of the dominant companies.

Then  I  talked to a friend of mine, his name's Chase Carey, who is on the board
with  Fox  TV  and  I  found  out  that Amiga is widely used now in the American
television  industry  in  deference  to  [Cairon?]  and other kinds of on-screen
graphic application packages, and then I found out that 50% of the cartooning in
America is done on Amiga platforms.  And then we cut a deal with George Lucas to
put  Destinations in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Museum in
Washington,  for Lucas' Star Wars exhibit and in doing so, I found out that they
are important to their 3D special effects people.

So  I took the word of people whose judgment I trust.  I would never take my own
word  about  what's  good  technology  because  I  am  a  marketer.   I'm  not a
technologist--I couldn't spell Computer if you [spotted me the Comp?].  But I am
compelled to believe that this is a great platform.

Q6:   Some  questions  first for Petro:  Are we likely to see any updates on the
present Workbench or do we wait for 4 to come along?

Petro:  We are working on this.  I will not make any promises because this would
be  out  of  style.  If we say something, we will stick to this.  I hope that we
can launch an OS upgrade in November.


;  Jeroen T. Vermeulen   \\"How are we doing?"//   Yes, we use Amigas    ;
;---    ---\\"Same as always."//--         ...          --;
; \\"That bad huh?"//  Got a problem with that? ;
Contradiction in terms:  "I don't believe that anybody/feels the way I do/..."
